Our Services

Finite element analysis is a discipline within materials sciences. It is the study of how a build material will perform in a dynamic environment. By understanding the behavior of a material on the molecular level, performance in varying situations can be more accurately modeled. Typical variables include but are not limited to: forces, stresses, heat, chemical exposure, and vibration, Instead of predicting materials behavior via myriad models examining the effects of each variable, FE allows for a single model which not only predicts behavior under the full range of all variable values, but also provides insight to the unpredictable behaviors arising from uncommon combinations of variable values. The ability to understand the non-intuitive ways in which such variables are related allows for cost savings and safety enhancement.

Example 1: A manufacturer of airplane landing gear systems must use the minimum amount of material required to achieve target performance and durability. The engineer knows each product component must withstand a variety of forces, stresses, vibrations, and temperatures. An FE analysis will illustrate the relationship of all of these items, and predict the behavior of each part under every combination of variables.

Example 2: A manufacturer of high rise elevator components wishes to add 10% operational efficiency to their drivetrain. Generally this would require a weight reduction of moving parts. To succeed, the engineer must understand not just the forces the drivetrain must sustain, but the long term effects of such forces on durability and performance. An FE analysis would aid in understanding how an untested material would react to ostensibly limitless scenarios involving operating conditions and maintenance schedules.

The applications are diverse:

  • Structural Engineering
  • Automotive Engineering
  • Aviation/Aerospace Engineering
  • Medical Engineering
  • Robotics
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Forensic Engineering